Here is a summary of our research outputs and related activities:
DemTech Method Exercises
Each technique we used in the Democratising Technology project is summarised here. More information and a short demo exists on the DVD available from the team.
Using performance
This is a brief introduction to the type of performance that informed DemTech and why it was chosen to support designing in the age of networks.
Academic outputs
As well as the videos documenting the method, we have written some papers about the work. Others will be added as more are produced. In the meantime, check out what has been published and get in touch if you would like more information or a DVD of the video material we produced to support others wishing to use the techniques.
Designing the Not Quite Yet workshop, 2006
This workshop ran at Queen Mary University of London in 2006 before the project started, led by Ann Light with Pat Healey and Gini Simpson, and with John Bowers as discussant. Also participating were groups of artists who had produced commissions for the project at SPACE and these and several designers with participative methods showed their work off as part of the HCI2006 conference in September 2006.
The Social Implications of Networking Every Thing(SINET) Roundtable wiki
In January 2008, a group of academics, artists, designers, producers and business people came together over a roundtable on the “Social Implications of Networking Everything”. The wiki of this meeting shows the thinking of the group and details some areas that these specialists saw as critical to question and address. Roundtable attendees included Caroline Bassett, Alan Blackwell, Mike Cooke, Heather Corcoran, Alan Dix, Ann Light and Lorenzo Wood.
Performance Methods Workshop write-up, Mr Watson blog
In February 2008, a group of designers, artists and academics participated in a version of the DemTech workshop to give critical feedback and evaluate it. Here is a write-up of that event by Karen Martin, PhD student at the Bartlett School, UCL.