
Here is a summary of our exhibition outputs and related activities:

The Not Quite Yet

The exhibition mounted as part of the project, with four commissioned artworks, has a website of its own showing off the work, the accompanying professional development workshops for artists and the public symposium held at SPACE “On the Margins of Technology”.


One artwork took on a life of its own after the project, both in terms of influence (see, for instance, Francoise Dupre’s piece) and in terms of what the group brought together by it have continued to do.  With Comic Relief funding the next stage, Loraine Leeson and the Geezers, a group of retired East Londoners, are set to see if their take on tidal power in the Thames can make an old technology come out of retirement.  


This site was funded by Arts Council England as part of evaluating DemTech and the role of community art and artists with participatory practices. Lots of linked content from invited discussants presents case studies and there are interviews. It also documents the professional development workshops that ran as part of the exhibition aimed at artists interested in working more closely with the public.

Evaluator critique of the Not Quite Yet exhibition

Tim Jones of Solar Associates was employed as an evaluator of The Not Quite Yet and here he gives his opinion on what the exhibition managed to achieve and areas where the project could have been further developed.